Tuesday 27 May 2008

Selling Goods Online - Establishing Your Store's Presence

The number of small business owners and entrepreneurs looking to supplement their full-time income by selling goods online is increasing greatly every year.

There are many advantages to selling goods online. The startup and maintenance capital required for selling online is usually much less than that involved with opening a brick-and-mortar type store. You also save money on staffing since an online store can operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week without a clerk or salesperson constantly on the clock. With an online store you are able to reach a global audience, making your sales potential much higher than if you were in a traditional brick and mortar store and payments can be made straight into your business account through credit card transactions. Another advantage of selling online is the ease of managing customer accounts.

Just like a brick-and-mortar store, and online store needs to be built right. Your online presence should be neat, clean, and attractive. Too many e-commerce entrepreneurs fail to realize the importance of this. They often build online stores that are constantly unfinished, or own an online store hosted by Internet service providers which do not offer optimum performance. If a potential customer tries to access your site and it is down, they will most likely go to another online store that offers the products that they are interested in and you lose a customer. Your e-commerce site has to be operating properly at all times to be successful and encourage customers to complete transactions. If your site seems to be unfinished your customers will not hold the same respect for your product and the result will be fewer sales.

Ease of use is an important factor in online store's design. If your potential customers cannot easily find their way around your site, they will give up and will go somewhere they can easily find what they are looking for. Do all that you can to promote a smooth intuitive shopping experience. Your competition will try to outdo you, but if you don't give them a foothold you will not have to worry about losing customers to them. With some careful planning, creative design, and reliability you will be able to successfully sell goods online.

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